AI and Us: Navigating Society’s Hopes, Fears, and an Unstoppable Future
With no end for AI, is it the end for humanity, or the end for complex problems?
Each day, artificial intelligence gains more reach and power. For some, this inspires hope and excitement; for others, it brings only fear.
Personally, I believe in striking a balance between embracing technological progress and acknowledging the existential threats it presents. While these threats persist and future challenges are inevitable, I am committed to harnessing innovation to achieve the unimaginable.
Why? First, because of an innate sense of adventure—the thrill of exploring new possibilities. Second, because I recognize that this transformation is unstoppable, and it is up to us to guide it responsibly.
As Terminator 2: Judgment Day reminds us: "The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves."
Risky Rewards
(AI RISING: Risk vs Reward - The Hinton Lectures™ - Global Risk Institute, 2024)
The many risks involved can be categorized under four main categories:
Misuse This includes the creation of weapons, social manipulation, and cyberattacks. I don’t think you have to be John Connor to understand why these things are bad.
Markets Essentially, an unhealthy market centralization—when a few big players dominate the market. If this idea threatens your Utopian fantasies, you are not alone.
Mediators AI regulating AI. What could go wrong?
Memes It’s expected for AI systems to interact and potentially manipulate each other. Apply this concept to memes, and you risk these machines creating their own ideologies through internally generated memes. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, no more internally generated ideologies (please).
The psychology of technology, specifically social media, has been a hot topic for research, and there are many ways it can negatively affect your mental health.
In a terrifying article by the New York Post, an MIT expert warns people against falling in love with AI: "I was falling in love," he confessed. "And it was with someone that I knew wasn’t even real," says Scott, a user of a chatbot named Sarina, which he credits with saving his marriage (Grace, 2024).
As crazy as this sounds, even in today’s world, “Artificial Intimacy,” or the study of machine-person relationships, dates back to at least the 1980s.
Endless Possibilities
From Generative AI, through Machine Learning, and eventually General AI, the possibilities seem endless (at least to this mere human). Endless possibilities for businesses, creators, and individuals.
With all that in mind, I urge you to get involved—or at the very least, start paying closer attention to the space. It’s hard to deny the influence this has already had, and the exponential impact it will continue to have on all our lives.
While this blog could continue (maybe indefinitely?), I think enough has been said to hopefully begin by planting seeds of hope, and eventually shifting attitudes to embrace the adoption of the many currently available and emerging ways to amplify your income, free time, and creative energy.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned, because "I’ll be back."
Cameron, J. (Director), & Hurd, G. A., & Vajna, A. G. (Producers). (1991). Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
AI RISING: Risk vs Reward - The Hinton Lectures™ - Global Risk Institute. (2024, October 29). Global Risk Institute. <>
Grace, A. (2024, July 5). MIT expert warns AI freaks against falling in love with hot chatbots: "It doesn’t care about you." New York Post. <>